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Chief Executive:
Alain Colin
in gross outstanding loans
120.7 M€


People before profit

Created in October 2006, Monabanq offers individuals a comprehensive range of banking products and services and insurance products (bank accounts, loans, savings and life insurance, insurance, stock market trading).

Monabanq’s mission is to offer simple, collaborative, and daring credit solutions to help its customers make their lives better.

In 2014, it was the first online bank to become accessible without income eligibility conditions.

Since 2015, Monabanq’s motto, “People before profit” has reflected its desire to put
humanity at the heart of banking.

Certifications and labels

Elus* Service Client de l'année 2024

*  Catégorie Banque en ligne – Etude BVA – Viséo CI – Plus d’info sur

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